Joe’s story

Joe graduated High School with Todd. He was fit involved in wrestling (138lbs) and football his whole life.   When he graduated high school he followed his fathers footsteps joining the Navy. Planning to attend college when he returned home. College had to be put on hold for the birth of his first daughter. He needed full time employment fast. He took a job in copier sales.  Working long hours, traveling and making sales by any means necessary. It’s a hard business. Not realizing until Joe was at the gym, most of our medical sales people started in copier sales. This was were Joe added the first 60 pounds of his weight gain.


Joe was now a family man. He now had to put others first. Joe comes from a big family. The expectation was to be a great father. He did what many parents do and he put himself completely on the back burner. The weight toppled at 315 lbs as he worked two jobs to provide for his now four daughters. Also returning to college to fulfill his father's dying wish.    


Finally by 2015 Joe was recruited for a medical sales job. He had more time to focus on himself. For most men exercise is an easy step, eating right is the hard one. Stepping into medical sales he knew that his appearance and mindset needed to change. He had no problem working out 5 to 6 days a week, but his weight had only dropped to 290 and his injuries were adding up. 18 years of chasing sales left him with bad habits like skipping breakfast and lunch and over eating at night. He also had the mindset of most people ,thinking, “I’ll just work it off.” Which doesn't work if your body is stressed, insulin resistant, and lacking sleep.  

By the time Joe came to us in 2019 he had been recruited by another company.  He was doing well career wise, but had suffered an injury causing him to layoff working out. His weight was back to 305 lbs.
It was time to start losing weight with nutrition, not just activity. For the first 40 lbs we only allowed Joe to workout two days a week. The days of making up for poor dietary choices with mass amounts of exercise were now over.


Joe like many other medical employees, Joe was locked out of Hospitals from March to May.  Having no business that was not an emergency. He did a great job at diving into himself.  Working on himself physically and mentally. He has lost 50 lbs so far, down to 239 lbs.  His relationship with himself is better and is showing in all aspects of his life. He now is one of his company top sales people. He feels alive again. Better then he did 20 years ago.  

It’s not always easy to make time for yourself as a parent. 2 hours a week of self improvement will come back to you ten times in everything you do. Improve your relationships at work, home and with yourself.  Love yourself first, because if you can’t, no one can do it for you. 


Does your metabolism really slow down with age?


Go hard where it does not hurt