If you are an “endomorph” your body type is one that tends to have a higher body fat percentage. We all have a genetic predisposition for carrying a certain amount of body fat, moreover, we all have a unique way of placing that fat throughout our body. Endomorphs, most of the time, find that it is complicated to lose weight. Since endomorphs have a higher percentage of body fat, from carbohydrates storage, the body releases insulin that cannot efficiently do its job. Thus, the insulin can not drive the amino acids and carbohydrates into the muscle. In the interim, the pancreas overcompensates and ends up releasing more insulin and helps accumulate more fat storage as opposed to muscle growth.
For this group of people, the diet that will work the best is the “low-carbohydrate” diet. If you lower the carbohydrates you ingest, you lower the release of insulin. This will shift the body internal chemistry and force it to rely on fatty acids as fuel, control hunger, and help save muscle mass.
Through this diet, you do not need as much cardiovascular training. The suggested amount is 3 days per week or 40-45 minutes per week of high intensity cardiovascular training. If you start having any problems with this diet, you should reduce your carbohydrate intake even further to 30-50 grams per day or switch carbohydrates to non-insulin producing carbohydrates as discussed earlier in the diet plan listed for vegetables.
Also, Endomorph dieters can really gain from eating foods such as lean beef daily while dieting because beef is high in creatine and will contribute to more energy when weight lifting. One thing to keep in mind is that endomorph dieters tend to retain water. Thus, it is best to stick to a diet that is low in salt intake.
For this dieter, protein will be used to provide energy. A high protein and low carbohydrate diet will stimulate fat loss by expanding energy to digest, absorb and assimilate the nutrients in the body through thermogenesis. Endomorphs should lower carbohydrate intake by 60-100 grams a day. Protein should be up to 2 grams per pound of body weight. The dieter should follow this for 3-5 days before lowering his complete sources of protein to 1 gram per pound of body weight and upping carbohydrate intake to 2 grams per pound of body weight for one day only. This process should be repeated every week. If you up the carbohydrates for 1 day you are tricking the body and causing the muscles to swell temporarily with glycogen. Muscles will then continue to grow when dieting.