Effective over efficiency


Whether you're starting an exercise program or you’re an established gym goer, getting the maximum benefit for your time is always a topic of interest.

In Todd’s 40 years of personal training, it’s all too common to come across someone who is just simply lost. We all have access to a lot of different opinions that can cause a lot of confusion and lead us nowhere.

A perfect path to nowhere is taking the buffet approach to fitness. Putting a little too much on your Metaphorical plate. This leads to a lackluster intensity with less than maximal results.


It can be a hard-to-believe truth that a person CAN do less, but BETTER, and have MORE results. It may be against the status quo of the fitness world to be moving every second you are at the gym.

“Don’t I need to do weights, cardio and stretch everyday?”  NO.

Mixing weights, cardio and stretching all in the same workout is a recipe for feeling overwhelmed and giving less than stellar effort to all of the above. Try to resist the urge to do more and replace it with BETTER. Even if you are short on time, giving a 100% effort on two exercises is better than a 50% effort on four exercises.


When it comes to the pursuit of infinite health, weight training should be the top priority. Weight training has a greater effect on boosting metabolic rates in 24 hours post exercise than cardio (leading to potentially more weight loss). When you take a muscle through its range of motion, you are stretching and shortening it, leading to appropriate range of motion and a greater degree of flexibility.

Put yourself on the infinite plan for health.

Most of our clients have children, a spouse, and full time jobs. Fitness and health needs to fit into their lifestyles not consume it. Keep your fitness regiment simple. One day a week is better than none. We don’t always have time for more, but I hope we can help you get better.